Donate Now
Make your donation/sponsor designation below (under the Goal bar) and you can complete your transaction all without leaving your browser session.

Mail a Check
A check written to ‘Ellis County Veterans Celebration’ may be mailed to PO Box 3020 Waxahachie, Texas 75168

QR Code
Capture the QR Code with your smart device’s camera to be able to donate
Donor/Sponsor Levels
$2,500 ≥ and above
- Acknowledgement in the program (larger)
- Facebook acknowledgement
- Website acknowledgement (logo)
- Acknowledgement in all print media
- Ceremony slideshow acknowledgement (logo)
- Invitation acknowledgement
- Certificate of Appreciation
$2,000 ≥ $2,499
- Acknowledgement in the program (larger)
- Facebook acknowledgement
- Website acknowledgement (logo)
- Acknowledgement in all print media
- Ceremony slideshow acknowledgement (logo)
- Invitation acknowledgement
- Certificate of Appreciation
$1,500 ≥ $1,999
- Acknowledgement in the program (larger)
- Facebook acknowledgement
- Website acknowledgement (logo)
- Acknowledgement in all print media
- Ceremony slideshow acknowledgement (logo)
- Certificate of Appreciation
$1,000 ≥ $1,499
- Acknowledgement in the program (larger)
- Facebook acknowledgement
- Website acknowledgement (logo)
- Acknowledgement in all print media
- Ceremony slideshow acknowledgement (logo)
- Certificate of Appreciation
$500 ≥ $999
- Acknowledgement in the program (larger)
- Facebook acknowledgement
- Website acknowledgement (logo)
- Acknowledgement in all print media
$250 ≥ $499
- Acknowledgement in the program (larger)
- Facebook acknowledgement
- Website acknowledgement (logo)
$200 ≥ $249
- Acknowledgement in the program (larger)
- Facebook acknowledgement
- Website acknowledgement (logo)
$100 ≥ $199
- Acknowledgement in the program (larger)
- Facebook acknowledgement
- Website acknowledgement (logo)
$50 ≥ $99
- Acknowledgement in the program (larger)
- Facebook acknowledgement
- Website acknowledgement (logo)
Current Year Donors/Sponsors
Donations/Sponsorships are now being taken for the 2024 ceremony. All businesses/organizations that donate or sponsor this program will have their logo displayed here, if they wish, along with being listed in the program, etc. We thank you for your consideration in supporting our Veterans through this cause.